Friday, October 9, 2009

Everyone poops

It's hard to tell from the photo, but that is a little bitty potty. We just did a cross-country drive here in Japan stopping at several rest areas along the way. I have often seen a kid-sized potty or two in the adult rest room, but this was the first all kids bathroom I have ever seen.

Those are really low to the ground urinals and short little sinks. There were also bathroom stalls with low walls so your child could have privacy while the parent could look over the top. It was cute, in a kind of weird way.
There was even a dedicated dog run at a couple of the larger rest stops we stopped at.
This post isn't complete without a photo of the dog toilet.


Sebastian said...

So do you have some wise insight on the pink urinal in the public ladies' restroom at Yokosuka Chuo?

I'm not sure if that is for women with young sons or if there is some other use.

Dollars to Yen said...

I just assumed it was for the little boys accompanying their mom too.

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